Photography & Styling

Le Interiors photographs homes with heart, professionalism and a smile!

We are Finland's only international property photography company.

We offer all services related to property sales photography.

The name "Le" comes from Swedish and means "smile". We bring joy with us wherever we go.

We are a family business and our values at home and at work are honesty, cheerfulness, courtesy and creativity.

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"It can be difficult to find someone who can provide both a styling service and the photography, but from Le Interiors you get EVERYTHING in one place. They are very flexible and highly motivated and the quality speaks for itself"

- Anne Ramsay, Bo Homes & Villas

Services & Prices

Le Interiors offers real property photography, video and interior styling services. Our real property services help our clients achieve the best results selling real estate.

Our services include real property photography, styling, virtual tours, virtual staging, property videos, aerial photography, aerial videos, floor plans and 3D visuals and animations.  


Le Interiors is a Finnish family business founded in 2021 by Anna and Ilkka, a couple with a shared vision to provide internationally high-quality property photography and styling services. Before Le Interiors Anna had been shooting and styling apartments for three years as a freelancer and Ilkka had been running two advertising technology and camera technology start-ups for about 7 years. The couple decided together in 2021 that it was the right time to move into something they both enjoy doing together and so the story of Le Interiors began!

Anna's background is in competitive sports and this history brings a passion for everything Anna undertakes and it shows up as success again and again. Ilkka's background is in a family run printing company founded in 1954 and this is why running the company and developing the business is one of Ilkka's strengths.

Le Interiors internationalised to Spain at the beginning of 2024, and so Anna and Ilkka's vision was realised in less than three years.

Anna and Ilkka has two small children. Leo was born in 2019 and Benjam in 2024, just before the family moved to Costa del Sol.

Now Le Interiors is the only international property photography company in Finland that provides world-class property photography services and has produced Finnish work for another dozen passionate top photographers and stylists.

Frequently asked questions

Most frequently asked questions

The most frequently asked questions we receive can be found here, if you have any questions please contact us.

Contact us

We are happy to help

You can contact us by filling in the contact form or if you don't like filling in these forms you can contact us directly by pressing contact.

No information based on your privacy will be disclosed to third parties.
Photo by: Lotta Skåtar
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- Le Interiors
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